You belong with me ♥

Because good things don't last .
If you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I've been wanting to update but i haven't found time ..
The pictures are piling up so much it's making me even lazier to do so .

I'm sorry but i'll be back for it, now I just wanna rant .


I was a bitch last friday, I think i was one on saturday too ..
and i still don't know if it's right but i didn't really cared .

Felt the tension after something was mentioned, why so?

Isit because you know someone long enough, it means your judgement is always right ?
But of course it depends on what kind of person you are ..
To be fair, I don't know any of you really well to start with .

I hate two-headed people, if you think it's you, yes.. i'm talking about you .
I swear you can't win people like them, because they say what is pleasing to "their" ears .

Many thoughts in my mind since the day you told me that ..
I'm thinking about the changes that'll occur, the consequences if things doesn't work out .
Is everything worth it? Is it worth the risk to take just for a try?

You know, I don't have an answer myself..
But I know i'm happy now, and i think it's all that matters .


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Adels ♥
someone you never knew

❤ August 14

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